• 3 STEPS to paticipate:


  • 1. get more info

    what it is all about? what means urban utopia and whats this contest all about? how can you take part and what exactly can you win?

  • 2. go and create

    creativity comes first, but there are some rules which you have to follow... here you can find all the technical informations and guidelines for a nice and smooth work flow.

  • 3. send it back

    already finished? so proceed to the »send it back» section and soon your artwork gets his well earnd place in our voting gallery

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  • get more info

  • urban utopia - what it is all about!?

    «artacks» launches its first edition competition! with this new instrument, we offer a platform, where unique artworks in limited editions will be realised.

    this time we do not artack a physical space - with our first edition project we even go beyond virtuality, until we reach «urban utopia» - the city of dreams... or nightmares? in urban utopia everything is possible...therefore our quest for you is: create a street sign for urban utopia

    we share the power with the people! all artworks we receive, will be shown online in our «voting gallery» section. the top 10 of the urban utopia competition will be finally selected by a public and democratic online voting. «wild cards»: if we get swamped with excellent works, «artacks» reserves the right to choose 5 additional artworks for printing.

    «artacks» will print the selected artworks in an edition of 10 pieces or to be more precisely: the street signs will be silkprinted on aluminium plates in original size.

    be a winner and earn fame, a free print & money! As a winner you get an «artist-masterprint» of your artwork for free. We will sell the printed editions on our website for around 300 euros a plate. as soon as we sell one of your artworks, you will get cash from us! (detailed information see «general terms & conditions»). Don't hesitate & participate now!

  • dates & facts

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  • go and create

  • some guidelines

    ...whether done completely digital or with a brush; stencil or pencil, every technique is possible as long as you are able to fullfill the following guidelines:

    1. there are three shapes to choose from: CIRCLE / SQUARE / TRIANGLE - see the «templates»

    2. color concept: black/white & 1 color of your choice - whitin the CMYK color palette

    3. artwork file formats we accept & print: .pdf (high quality) / or.eps (vectors) / and also .jpg's if you have to scan your «analog» created artworks (resolution 300dpi).

    4. important: as we want to print original sized signs, please keep the original dimensions. you must not necessarily use our templates. Just be sure to match the given resolutions and dimensions:

    • circle: diameter of 620mm
    • square: side lenght of 620mm
    • triangle: (equilateral) with a height of 620mm
  • downloads & templates

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  • send it back

  • finished?!

    send a preview of your artwork to «artacks». for our «voting gallery» we need the following
    file format: jpg or .png | dimension: 800 x 800 px | resolution: 72dpi.

    important: keep the original hi-res (.jpg / .pdf) or vector file (.eps)! if you are one of the lucky winners, we will contact you to get the printable file version!

    send your mail to utopia@artacks.ch

    in this mail please tell us your name or pseudonym and if you like your homepage. additionally you can send us one short sentence to express the idea behind your work...

    as «artacks» acts as a plattform for artists, we will add this information below your artwork, so people will see who your are and what you do besides this contest.

    any questions?! don't hesitate to get in touch with us! just use the contact form at the end of this site... we will answer as fast as possible.

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  • voting gallery

    • #01 - Quality Lovers (D)

      The Qualitiy Lovers from Berlin are a groupe consisting of designers and writers. QL is influenced by design & grafitti and mix up techniques and styles from different creative fields.

    • #02 - Quality Lovers (D)

      The Qualitiy Lovers from Berlin are a groupe consisting of designers and writers. QL is influenced by design & grafitti and mix up techniques and styles from different creative fields.

    • #03 - Quality Lovers (D)

      The Qualitiy Lovers from Berlin are a groupe consisting of designers and writers. QL is influenced by design & grafitti and mix up techniques and styles from different creative fields.

    • #04 - your sign here...

      Take part in the competition, send your signs!

    • artists

      your street sign will be exhibited this voting gallery section. as soon as your piece of art is shown here, your friends and all other people can start voting! only the 10 best artworks will be finally printed as utopian street signs.

      if you wanna go for gold, send your people a direct link by mail, facebook, twitter or whatever – its quick & easy: just go to the «contact» site and socialize with your friends.

    • visitors

      info is coming soon

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  • contact & socialize

  • your comments here

  • drop us a line

  • visit our homepage


    get social with «artacks» and follow us on our facebook, issuu or vimeo sites:

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